Dalli Rated Merchandise
Dalli Rated Merchandise

Dalli Rated Merchandise

Vendor Biography

This merchandise has been a long time coming, it is an extension of my music, the brand I’ve built from the ground up on truth, authenticity, and love.

Anyone purchasing will be representing something bigger than myself and supporting the journey I’ve been and still walking.

This merchandise is tangible proof of the impact my musical journey has had on your life and God knows I’m grateful to have done something that will live on after me.

Thank you to every single one of you that have pushed me to get to this point in my journey, I used to be frustrated by how long it was taking me to finally have a merch line but timing is everything and I couldn’t be happier that it’s happening now because I finally found something legitimate that works for me.

Here’s to a purposeful journey filled with inspiration.

With Love


Ps. Please visit my website – https://www.shabzi.co.za – for everything concerning my musical releases and journey.