

Vendor Biography

iKhoi Apparel is not just another clothing brand, it is a representation of history, culture, and pride. Our products are not mass-produced, but rather meticulously crafted to ensure that they are of the highest quality. Each design is infused with the rich heritage of the Khoi People of Southern Africa, telling their story in a modern and relatable way.

What sets iKhoi Apparel apart is our commitment to authenticity. Our designs are not copies or imitations, but rather original pieces of art that embody the vibrant spirit of the Khoi people. From the bold and colorful patterns to the intricate details, every garment and accessory is a testament to our unique indigenous lifestyle.


As a member of the iKhoi Global Community, you would not only be supporting a local clothing brand, but also becoming part of a movement to preserve and celebrate indigenous cultures. By wearing iKhoi Apparel with pride, you are making a statement about your appreciation for history, diversity, and the beauty of cultural heritage. Join us in embracing our shared identity and being a part of something truly original and rare.